Monday, December 26, 2016

What Is An IVC Filter?

An IVC filter is a small metal basket that is typically implanted in the largest vein in the abdomen, the inferior vena cava (IVC). Once in place, an IVC filter functions to “trap” blood clots that may form in the legs and travel to the lungs.

A majority of blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs - a condition known as deep venous thrombosis, or DVT. This is usually a result of prolonged immobility, although prior surgery, dehydration, pregnancy, and various genetic conditions can contribute. DVT is usually accompanied by leg pain and swelling and can result in long-term damage to the structure of the leg veins. However, it is not typically a life-threatening condition.

If a blood clot dislodges from the leg veins and travels to the lungs, it may compromise the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen into the blood or make it difficult for the heart to pump blood to the lungs. This is known as a pulmonary embolus (PE), and is the source of an estimated 100,000 deaths in the US each year. In order to reduce the considerable mortality risk associated with PE, IVC filters are often placed as a preventative measure in patients.

There are three common scenarios in which IVC filters are usually placed: 1) Patients with known DVT to prevent development of PE 2) Patients who already have PE, to prevent worsening condition from additional PE 3) In patients with no known history of DVT or PE but who will undergo a surgery that imparts a high risk of developing DVT. Orthopedic hip surgeries and pelvic GYN surgeries are common examples.

IVC filters are designed for deployment via the jugular vein in the neck or the femoral vein in the leg. This procedure is described in detail in the following video illustration:

While IVC filter design varies among manufacturers, each contains an expandable metal structure that can be delivered into the IVC via a small-bore hollow delivery sheath (see figure 1 below). The metallic construct of the filter permits blood flow through the IVC while inhibiting the flow of sizeable blood clots from veins in the legs to the lungs.

Figure 1 – IVC filter artist rendition. From

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